Monday 4 March 2013

My 17th Birthday Weekend!

For those of you that didn't know, it was my birthday on Sunday and I turned the grand old age of 17 years old... I celebrated more so on the Saturday hence why I called it my 'birthday weekend' - you will understand why I did that if you carry on reading to see what I got up to over the two days!

Saturday 2nd March - so Saturday was the day before my birthday and I decided that going shopping to our local city with my two best friends would be a good idea! We got a bus to Norwich and shopped to the max, especially in Primark. (haul coming soon..) It wasn't so much the shopping that I enjoyed, although of course I did, it was the company, laughs and chatter which made it a brilliant day!

Sunday 3rd March - my actual birthday! Previous to my birthday I found out that I would be at show rehearsals from 2pm-4 and so I then decided that I may as well go to my Zumba class too! Which, I must say is definitely a party within itself. I opened presents from my friends fairly early in the morning because I just couldn't wait until after tea for all of them... I guess you could say that the day of my birthday was rather ordinary but I still enjoyed it an awful lot, once I got home from four hours of rehearsals I was welcomed with a 'party tea' on the kitchen table alongside my favourite cake, yipee! Afterwards I opened the presents from my family that I hadn't already, which followed by me hopping into a glorious hot bath with two of my birthday treats - Soap and Glory's Sugar Crush Body Wash and Lush's Space Girl Bath Bomb - the smell oozing out of the bathroom was amazing

I believe that is pretty much my birthday weekend summarised into however many words and the same goes for my little photo collage too! I hope you enjoyed reading and please feel free to follow my blog using the 'join this site' button on the right hand side of the page, oh and also thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday - they make my day even more special! :-)


  1. Happy Birthday lovely!
    I saw your post on the Company Magazine forum.
    Would love to follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know with a comment and I always follow back.
    Love from London.
    Love G xx

    1. Aw thank you Georgia!
      I've never used bloglovin but I think I'll check it out, I've followed you via Google for now though - I love your blog! xx
