Thursday, 9 October 2014

Mental Health Awareness Day

Tomorrow is Mental Health Awareness Day, one day of the year that I think is really important. Raising awareness of the many mental health conditions is absolutely crucial to eliminating the stigma that still surrounds the topic. The fact I wasn't aware that today was the day until I watched Youtuber Zoella's vlog from yesterday just goes to show how little media attention this particular events receives - as usually I'm all over it! I think I have written about this for a couple of years in a row now, it always makes me stop and think about how far I have come and what I have managed to achieve. I also feel like sharing my experiences and updating people on my situation could potentially shed light on somebody else who is feeling like there is no possible way out of their position. I guess you could say that I get comfort in thinking that my story can help other people. 

If you've read my blog before then you'll probably already know the ins and outs of my struggle with anxiety, so I won't bore you again with all the details because there's definitely a previous post on all of that stuff. Currently, I'm in my third week of university - crazy, absolutely crazy. If you had of told me that I would be at university two or three years ago then I literally would have sat and laughed at you. It's so weird to think how much I have grown since being put onto medication and getting better. 

In case you wondered, I'm studying at the University of East Anglia doing a Foundation Year in Film and Television before I get transferred onto the Media Studies course. I finally feel like I'm settling in a bit more now as I know people's names and am learning some interesting things that will definitely be useful for my degree. I'll admit that I'm still a bit shy and not too confident, but I'll find myself there soon enough I'm sure! If you're a student there then there is a lot planned for the day, all information can be found on this Facebook event:

Basically, the point in this post is to say never underestimate what you are capable of doing. Mental Health does not define you, or own you, you are your own person. If you reach out to someone you trust by confiding in them and make that first step - your life will get so much better; trust me. It would be great if you could share this post with others to spread the word on mental health awareness day (even though it's almost over!).

If you feel like it, then share your story too! You're not alone :-)

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