Thursday 20 June 2013

Peggy's Collection Neon Summer Photo Shoot 2013

It's that time of year again, the annual Spring Summer photo shoot for my Auntie's clothing business Peggy's Collection. This is my fourth time modelling for this purpose and I enjoy it a whole lot more than I ever imagined that I would when I agreed to have a go at posing for the camera back in 2011. I think what I enjoy most is having my make-up done by a professional make-up artist, this time around by Clare Alexandra (who is super lovely!) due to my more recent obsession with beauty and make-up products. The location of this summer's shoot was a local museum to us, Gressenhall Museum and we were in the farm area for the whole shot which looks very scenic in the final pictures. 

Here are a few snaps I got on the day in between being photographed... 

My cousin and fellow model friend getting her make-up done.

The amazing neon eye make-up!

James the photographer and my Auntie 'on set'!

models like us don't demand the outright ridiculous.

Loved being able to waltz in and out of this gate...

Let's get onto the professional pictures, taken by James Neale.

Me, Sophie, Rebecca.


Sophie, Rebecca, Me

Sophie, Rebecca, Me



From Left-Right: Sophie, Rebecca, Kevin, Me

Same as above



I absolutely love the neon theme within this year's shoot as it is something which is quite a big trend on the high street at the moment. I am also pleased to say that I am the owner of the skull and bow t-shirt that I modeled and so I will be posting an Outfit of the Day on that soon too! I hope you enjoyed looking through the pictures, I will link everyone from the day down below so you can check out what they do and of course where you can buy the fabulous pieces we were promoting too.

Looking forward to the Autumn Winter shoot now!


Peggy's Collection - 

and Peggy's Yarns - 


James Neale -

Make-up Artist: 

Clare Alexandra -


Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse -

Models: Rebecca Clarke, Sophie Dean, Kevin d'Odemont and myself.