Friday, 5 September 2014

100 Year Old Drivers - Is it right?

This is from my weekly column in the local newspaper! I just felt that it was a really interesting topic that people may have a lot to say about, especially since ITV began the documentary '100 Year Old Drivers' recently. Let me know what you think...

'A new television series, shown on ITV, called ‘100 Year Old Drivers’ raises the questions of whether there should be an age limit on driving and if older drivers should have to re-take their test after a certain number of years. I found the first episode both entertaining and intriguing as we followed the story of many elderly people and discovered how safe their driving was. It did become apparent however that the topic, although being fabricated as entertainment, was also very serious and perhaps one that should be paid more attention to. The main issue raised throughout was the safety of both the driver and other members of the public on the road. Of course, not all elderly people are dangerous drivers but it should be considered that those over 100 years of age may struggle with the updated Highway Code and rules of the roads. However, the freedom of those who this applies to would be limited in comparison to those who are able to drive where they want, if driving was in fact given an age limit. Simple tasks such as shopping, running errands and visiting loved ones would be more difficult for these people and if they are safe drivers whose health is not a problem, restricting a person of their freedom does seem somehow immoral. All factors need to be taken into consideration here: safety on our roads is definitely a priority and so maybe re-taking our driving tests at a chosen age would be the best option.'

You can contact me via my social media which is all linked at the top of the page if you want to talk about the subject or just have a chat! 

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Heidi x

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